Do you give refunds? SchoolPix strives to keep our customers completely satisfied. We only deliver printed photographs we consider to be of the highest...
Lost Your Order Flyer? You can still Order School Photos Online If your order flyer is missing, there’s still a secure way to order your child’s school photos online before photo...
I just want to order a single sheet of photos – How can I do this? When logged into your child’s gallery – click on the “Individual Products” in the menu bar on the right-hand side...
Does SchoolPix give refunds on orders placed in the early bird offer? SchoolPix offers a money-back guarantee on our paper and print quality. We do not offer refunds on digital photos. Early...
I can’t pay on photo day- what should I do? The only order that will need to be prepaid is a sibling photo, without a prepaid order for this SchoolPix...