How do I create an online account to order school photos? SchoolPix has an easy-to-navigate online ordering system, it is recommended you use a computer or laptop with chrome for the...
My child has been photographed at a SCHOOL event – how do i order? SchoolPix photographs events such as formal graduation ceremonies, religious ceremonies, celebrations, or school productions. If your child has been photographed...
Will my child miss out if I don’t pay before photography day? Certainly not – if your child is at the session on the day, rest assured your child will not miss...
Viewing Your Child’s Photos Online Before Purchase Kindergarten and Preschool Photography: Our online platform allows parents of children in kindergartens and preschools to view and order photos...
What are my delivery options when ordering school photos? SchoolPix offers free delivery to those families who order prior to OR on the day of photography. This free delivery...