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  3. How to book photography services for your school or kindergarten.

How to book photography services for your school or kindergarten.

SchoolPix offers school, event, sporting, and kindergarten photography services. Bookings fill up quickly – if you are a new service we would love to hear from you.

Please see below the details that would be helpful for our team to be able to promptly reply to your enquiry.

School Or Service Name

Number of enrolements + staffing numbers

Location/ Suburb of the service

If a preschool or kindergarten – do you offer rotational groups?

Please email your details to smile@schoolpix.com.au and one of our business managers will reach out to you with some details on our products, services, and our availability to book you in. Alternatively please call our customer care team on 1300 766 055 to provide the same details.

Updated on May 21, 2024
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